MINOR UPDATE: Javonet 1.4 hf24 Released


We are happy to announce that the new Javonet 1.4 hf24 has been released and is available for download.

With each release we strive to make Javonet better, faster and easier to use in your day to day development tasks. We closely listen to all your suggestions and without your support we wouldn’t be able to create so great product.

Here are some key changes introduced in this release:

– Enabled calling methods by passing arguments of types that inherit from types expected by the method. Auto method resolving mechanism supports ref, outs, implicit and explicit casts and value-types to System.Object mapping

We recommend updating the Javonet JAR reference in your projects to latest Javonet release.

New version can be obtained from our download section: https://www.javonet.com/download/

More details about version history you can find at: https://www.javonet.com/version-history/