16 Reputable Universities All Over The World Use Javonet


Along with the commercial licenses Javonet offers the Academic Licensing for all of the academic projects. The Academic license is fully free of charge with the restriction of being used for academic purposes only.

Any university or student can apply for Javonet academic license. We grant academic licenses based on the project description and the condition of mentioning Javonet in all the project’s related materials wherever possible.

There are already 16 reputable universities which use Javonet in their academic projects:
– University of Maryland
– Philipps-Universität Marburg
– Heinz Nixdorf Institute
– Auckland University of Technology
– Technological University of Leon
– Washington University in St. Louis
– University of Waterloo
– Technical University of Ostrava
– Simon Fraser University
– Technical University of Berlin
– Polytechnic José Antonio Echeverría
– Uniklinik RWTH Aachen
– Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
– University of California, San Francisco
– AGH University of Science and Technology

There are many interesting implementations accomplished with Javonet. Among others there are the robotic arms controlled using Javonet integration between .NET and Java, there are systems allowing for recognizing the objects at which the driver looks through the windshield. Javonet has been also implemented in a research which included the measurements of the heart arrhythmia in hundreds of German pharmacies.

The Javonet technology has allowed for communicating the Java system with the .NET SDK of the arrhythmia measuring sticks provided by Mydiagnostick . The Arduino robots .NET SDKs have been integrated with Java using Javonet. The other projects included the prove of concept of using multiple programming languages in one project when the appropriate components are available.

Javonet team receives the academic licensing request on the regular basis, we are excited to allow the other academic teams to accomplish their innovative brave projects with our robust integration technology between .NET C# and C++/COM and Java.

How to receive an academic license?

This is very easy to do! Just navigate to our website and choose “Apply” in the Academic License section of our pricelist!